6 ways dogs heal us Dogs show empathy. Dogs give us affection. Dogs give us their complete attention. Dogs give us physical comforting. They snuggle and lie in our laps. Dogs live in the moment, …
Adopt happiness
“No medicine cures what happiness cannot.” - Gabriel Garcí a Márquez What is happiness? Your happiness may not include dogs, but mine does. Each dog I adopted gave me armfuls of doggie joy. When we …
Electronics stolen from animal shelter
“Whenever anything truly bad made headline news and I would ask my mother about it, she always said, 'Look to the helpers. You will find helpers when you look.’” Mr. Rogers Burglary Rohnert Park …
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House Rabbits Rock
Ten things to know on pet rabbits "For April, BlogPaws celebrates Small Pet Appreciation Month. So all you bunny, chicks, hamster, rabbit, gerbil, ferret, fish, gecko, bird, and other small pet …
Happy Haunting: Photo Friday
A blast from the past? The story behind dressing our dog up We never had a dog that needed to wear sweaters before Sydney. Being half miniature poodle, Sydney needs a shave about every eight weeks, …
Mutt Monday: Adopt a shelter dog
By Deborah Taylor-French Mutt Monday: Adopt a shelter dog Last Saturday, we joined in the fun the Animal Shelter League's Mutt Strut. This fundraiser for Rohnert Park Animal Shelter, fits perfectly …